2nd Trimester

DH Vent (sorry, needed an outlet)

I'm 23wks preg, have a 20mo old at home & am sick.  Between my being sick & DS getting over being sick, I haven't gotten much sleep at night (either my cold waking me up or him waking up).  Trying to get back to sleep is hard because DH snores some nights.  So, I look like the walking dead from getting a few hours sleep each night.  DH knows this & has even commented a few times that I "look tired" (the universal nice way of saying "you look like shizmit!!"). 

My vent is that he has not ONCE offered to help out by taking care of DS so I can take a nap or try to sleep in a little.  When he suggests I take a nap, he means to do it after I put DS down which hasn't been easy lately (he's been very clingy & his naps have been short).  DH was sick most of Dec & EVERY weekend, I would get up with DS, take him downstairs & let him know we had to be quiet (which he actually would be, very shocking) because daddy was sleeping.  Every Sat & Sun, he'd come down an hour or so after DS & I had gotten up.  He hasn't offered to do that same & the one time I asked him to get DS so I could sleep, he decided to lay in bed & start asking me questions instead of quietly getting up & getting DS.  So I got out of bed super pissed & he lays there & says "where are you going?"  I wanted to yell "Um, to get our child whose been up for a bit because there's no way I'm getting back to sleep after playing 20 questions!!!"  He came downstairs about 15mins later & said "are you gonna go back to bed?"  knowing that once I'm up in the morning, that's it, I'm up.

I'm just so frustrated & no matter how many times I've told him that I'm tired, I'd like to sleep in, he does nothing.  Since DS was born, he's taken him in the mornings no more than 5x so I could sleep in (but always lets DS play with things that are very loud instead of getting him to stay somewhat quiet so I don't get to sleep anyway).  I feel like I'd get a better nights sleep in the car at this point.

Sorry, I just needed to vent for a minute.

Dylan Gabriel 04/29/10 Aiden Drake 04/28/12
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