Postpartum Depression

Prozac vs Zoloft during pregnancy

Quick background. I've had anxiety issues my entire life, but they didn't get to be a real problem until after my son was born. I started on Prozac (20mg then up to 40mg per day) right before he turned 2 months old. Once I found out I was pregnant this time, I weaned off of the Prozac under my doctor's guidance. The plan was to go back on meds a month before my due date so that it was in my system by the time the baby was born. Recently, my anxiety has become way more than I can handle, and I know that I need to go back on something now. I'm going to see my doctor today about starting back up on meds.

I know that there are possible risks for the baby with either Zoloft or Prozac (especially when it's taken in the 3rd tri.) I also understand that it's usually looked at in terms of the risks to the mother if she's unmedicated versus the possible risks to the baby. But, is either Zoloft or Prozac generally viewed as "safer" for the baby? I'm really, insanely worried that taking either one is going to really harm the baby and I don't see myself getting over it once I start taking the meds again. I've read a few things that say that, between both, Zoloft has been found in less concentrated amounts in both the baby's cord and the mother's breastmilk, so I'm thinking I might make the switch (after talking with my doctor.)

I guess I'm just looking for input and also reassurance that I'm not turning my unborn kid into some troll with six legs just because I need to take a certain medication. TIA.

DS1 12/2010 DS2 4/2012


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