Upstate NY Babies

Angry teens

What is your thoughts on teen anger, suicide, cutting, etc? Did anyone ever do things to harm themselves (I am sorry if this is too personal)? I guess I just don't understand causing ones own pain.

When we were in the ER we were first roomed with a teen girl. She was laying down and smiled when I walked in with R, she had an enormous goose egg on her forehead. My first thought was car accident. She was alone and just laying there.

A nurse came in and drew the curtain, but I could obviously still hear. She made the girl undress/put gown on. She took everything she had, tried to take her hair tie too but the girl asked to keep it. She said she needed it to feel better and it was an obsession (it was in her hair). Then it clicked....she was there because she had hurt herself. The nurse spoke loud and firm to her.....this child broke my heart. The smile she gave when we came in made her seem so sweet and lost. It hurt to know she was alone (she asked if anyone was coming and was told that someone was on the way).

The doc came in and asked her if she hurt herself, if she was knocked unconscious, or if she wanted to hurt herself right now. She said yes.

They moved her to another room after that. Our doc came in and said "Sorry about that, you don't need an angry teen as a roommate".  I just replied that it was heart breaking to see.

What do you think causes this? Parents fault? Chemical imbalance issues? Is this something we as parents can prevent? It is scarey.....could this happen to our kids?????? This combined with the bully/suicide with the Spencerport teen has me a little freaked.

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