2nd Trimester

Hormonal and disappointed... self distruct in 3..2..

My husband and I live far away from our families. We knew we would not be able to tell most of them in person about the baby so we put a lot of effort into how to make the reveal special for them.

My family: We decided to drive 10 hours (one way) to tell my family in person and explained that Josh's family and my family members that were not there and our friends still did not know so PLEASE don't tell anyone. Well within 20 minutes my little brothers girlfriend was on the phone telling people. Then (you will never believe this) a few hours later they decided to smoke pot (yes marijuana, weed) IN THE HOUSE!! With me there PREGNANT and my mom didn't even bat an eye!!!  Marijuana just so we're clear IS illegal and dangerous, and on a normal day I would have been hacked, but you put my baby in the mix... I could have killed them!! Needless to say our trip was cut short!

His family: Because his family lives much too far away to drive we recorded the ultra sound and made a dvd of us talking and then added the ultra sound on to the end so they actually got to see the baby! Well here's the thing, my in-laws, DIDN'T EVEN CALL!!! We found out 4 days later that they got it because his mom posted it on his sister?s facebook wall (and spoiled the surprise for her, and my brother, and my 2 best friends who still had not gotten their dvds in the mail). When we called them about it and told them our feelings were hurt they laughed that we were upset and said they were busy and forgot... REALLY!?! Are you kidding me!! His mom doesn't even work! You couldn't take 2 minutes after you found out to just call, AND you post it on fb?

I just really needed to tell someone who might think this is as big of a deal as I do :,(  Can someone please make a big deal about this, can this please matter to someone!

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