2nd Trimester

Daddy Delivery Duties...

So...I was wondering...have any of your guys objected to being in the delivery room or cutting the cord or anything like that?

Me and Babe were talking last night while I was feeling Little One move and he says "Yea, I'll be out in the waiting room with everyone else, I cant be in there, I might pass out!" I told him "Nooo! You gotta cut the cord Babe, that's your job as Daddy!" He says that he's not going to cuz he just cant bring himself to do it, and it's the doctors job. Cracks me up cuz here's this Manly Man, but he can't cut the cord or even be in the same room for delivery LOL!  I can just imagine the doctors trying to get his big ass off the floor! He's about 6'0 and maybe 240 talking about "Nooo I might pass out" LMAO!!

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