Babies: 0 - 3 Months

MIL vent

So this weekend DH and I took the kids to see their grandparents.  We had to run out to the store to pick up a couple of things.  So my ILs wanted to watch both babies.  I was not happy about this.  I wanted to take both of them with us.  You see both of his parents our 75 and they do not get around well.  I thought that there is no way that they could handle both kids.

So I agreed to let DD stay behind.  When we left we told them that she didn't need to be fed.  When we got back about an hour later, I walk in to find MIL feeding my DD.  I was so mad.  I took the bottle away from her and asked her what she was doing.  So she tells me that DD was crying and that she must be hungry.  She could let her go on crying.  

So for the next half hour I have to listen to my MIL tell my daughter that she must feel so much better since her belly was full.  I was getting madder and madder by the minute.  Then to make matters worse.  My husband picks up DD and realizes that she is wet and smells of poop.  When we went to change her we found out that she was covered from head to toe in poop and her diaper was on BACKWARDS.

I asked her how much did she giver DD.  She said 4 oz.  Now mind you, she just had 5 oz. two hours before.  So in a 2 hour span she ate 9 oz of formula.  MIL never apologized for feeding her only for putting the diaper on backwards.  

I'm still annoyed with her.  I told DH that we are never leaving our little ones with them again.  They just proved that they can't take care of a child. 

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