Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What time is bedtime

DS isn't going down for the night until close to 9:30 (he's 8 weeks). I've tried to put him down earlier, but it's a waste of time - his eyes pop open, he's super alert, and he's up until 9:30. But he does usually take a nap around 7:30. So pretty soon I am guessing his bedtime will start to move up and this evening nap will go away. It's hard right now because DD goes to bed around 8:00 (she's three years old), but DS isn't going to bed until 9:30, so DH and I literally have no time alone at all. One of the big adjustments with having two kids! But I remember when DD was about 4 months she started going to bed at like 7:30 and then I never saw her if I had a late night at work, so I guess I will just cherish these moments at night while they last!
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