Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anxiety about going back to work

I have been on maternity leave for a little over two months and in two weeks I will be returning to work.  I am having some anxiety about it.  I really don't want to go back.  I want to be the one staying home with my son.  My husband is rearranging his work schedule so that he will stay home and take care of our son.  The other day he told me that he is having anxiety too about me going back to work.  He wants me to stay home too, but with the economy the way it is, we don't feel comfortable enough for me to be off work entirely.  We talked about me going part time, but there needs to be a position available at my job.  Currently there are none available.  I am venting here and wonder if anyone is going through the same situation.  I am not sure if I am at a turning point in my life that I need to analyze what is more important.  My mom told me that she regrets not staying home with my little sister.  She told me that is one of her biggest regrets.  I am going to pray about it. I know that while I am at work that I am constantly going to be thinking about my son.  I will think about what I am missing out.  It bothers me that I might miss out on the milestones.  It makes me sad.  The one thing that I am happy about though is that at least my husband will be taking care of our son and he won't miss out. 





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