Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Do I dare rock the boat?

DS sleeps all sorts of places, but sleeps best in his bouncer chair at night. It's right next to our bed and it isn't super upright, and I am sure it's very comfy:) He's 8 weeks today, and I know soon he will need to stretch out and probably won't be able to be in the bouncer much longer (and he hates the bassinete these days).

BUT he is sleeping great these days at night in the bouncy chair. 5-6 hours, then a feeding, then 3 more hours. So we are getting great sleep. I have to decide now when to flip the switch and start him going to bed at night in his crib, in his room, which is upstairs, and we are downstairs. I want to do this for a few reasons, one of which our room is really small, and we both have to get ready for work in it (my DH now, me in 4 weeks when I go back to work) and someone is constantly waking up the baby. And the crib does not fit in our room, so that is not an option.

Just not sure what to do. I feel like leaving him a while longer in his bouncer, since he is sleeping great in it. On the other hand, our DD was in her crib at 4 weeks and she slept great in it, and we actually got better sleep because we didn't wake up to every burp and cry (yes, we have a monitor so we will be able to hear him).

Just curious - would you start getting him in the crib now, or keep him in the bouncer while it's still good? I feel so wishy-washy about this decision, which I do not like, because I know everything is trial and error. It's just that we are all sleeping these days, which feels AMAZING. And I don't want to lose that right now:)

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