Single Parents

Help With Infant Custody

I'm having a baby girl in February and the baby's father and I recently broke up. He is a very good person and I definitely want him to be in her life as much as possible. I don't want to take him to court but we have to figure out a way to co-parent. 

Right now he is pretty angry at me and doesn't really want to be around me, but if that's the only way he can see his daughter, he'll put up with it. So I have some questions:

When can she spend nights away from me? I'm planning on breastfeeding but I was hoping at some point I can pump enough for her to stay overnight with him, is this reasonable?

How long can she be away from me at a time? I know a lot of this will end up being what I'm comfortable with, but any advice would be helpful.

What else should I figure out? What are the things we're risking by parenting separately? I just want her to be as happy as possible. I'm so worried for her.


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