Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Travel help!

DH and I recently moved to Seattle, Wa just a few months before DD was born. We both decided to fly home to South Florida when she turned 3 months so that we could introduce her to family and friends. On average its a 12 hour travel day...get to the airport 2 hours early, fly 5 hours, layover, fly another 3 hours.

Well, plans were made, and I was really really excited! e even have other family taking their vacation at the same time to meet up with us in Florida. It was supposed to be a 2 1/2 week family trip all over Florida. 

 BUT due to some unforeseen and  understandable circumstances, DH can not get off of work now. Our trip is scheduled for 3 weeks from today and I still really want to go. I'm terrified to take this trip on my own. I wasn't planning on getting DS her own seat on the plane, but is it a good idea vs. holding her or keeping her in the Moby? What are some good ways to entertain my baby during our big travel adventure? Any tips on breast feeding in such close quarters? Any tips on what items I absolutely must bring with me?How about on dealing with the time difference (Fl is 3 hours LATER then Wa) ?

 Even though she does really well out and about, Im so nervous to do this on my own! 

Thanks for your help!!!

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