2nd Trimester

Anyone else??

I do NOT feel pregnant. I have an anterior placenta, so I do not feel the baby moving yet.

I just had my a/s and I thought that would really put things into perspective, but since they could not tell us the gender-- I'm still stuck with calling my baby an "it" which...to me...makes it hard to start bonding with the baby. I feel like once we know what it is, then I can call it by the name we choose or refer to it as "he" or "she" etc...

I never had morning sickness or other pregnancy-like symptoms. I just feel like a terrible mother for not being all ooey and gooey about the baby like I see others being. I don't know what to do to start "feeling" pregnant. It's hard to explain and it's becoming difficult to deal with the guilt that I'm starting to feel...

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