Upstate NY Babies

Bottles in Mexico

Less than 2 months til our Mexico trip- woohooo!

We're staying about 10 miles south of Cancun so I know we'll be near "civilization" if we need anything for the babies. They will be 2 1/2 wks shy of their 1st B-day while we're there so I was wondering which would be easier; I'm trying to consider- weight of bags/cost of bags, due to water use concerns, no microwaves in room... I'm thinking of buying a small hotpot/hot plate thingy to use as a warmer?

1. Switch them to whole milk, which I can order from room service and find a way to heat up.

2. Get a ton of bottled water, find a way to heat it and lug down formula.

Oh and can I use tap water in a resort to wash bottles or would you be too nervous?

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