2nd Trimester


okay so i am now 5 months pregnant and right before i even found out i was prego my 2 year old little boy was playing on my bed one night and he blew a fart on my stomache (lol i know that sounds funny but with his mouth he did) and he laughed and said baby and pointed at my stomache! i told him WHAT???!! and he said again BABY well i took a test about two weeks later because i began feeling nauseated days later...when it was confirmed i couldn't believe it! i told my son, how did you know!! ha ha!! well later i asked him if i had a girl or boy in my tummy and he said GIRL!! no joke!! my husband and older son were both telling me NOPE ITS A BOY, but my little one would argue with them and really get angry yelling GIRL at them...well..i'm having a GIRL!! its been confirmed. :) my little one is so attached to my belly its the cutest thing ever he says her name near my tummy and puts his ear on my tummy to try and hear..he likes to rub my stomach and STILL blow farts on it LOL!!!
Mommy of 3 beautiful babies!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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