Upstate NY Babies

What do you think of these names?

Yep, down to 2wks and still no solid girl names yet. These are a few that have mentioned/tossed around lately...just curious what you think. I like the name Grace for a middle name, but with some names it doesn't sound right so we'd probably use something else.

-Emily (probably DH's fave-I think it's too plain compared to Avery though)
-Macy (DH thought of this over the weekend-I'm sort of eh about it)
-Chelsea (one of my top picks-was in top 3 for DD, DH says he doesn't like it now)
-Allison (same as Chelsea)
-Victoria (brought up over the weekend)
-Brooke (loved it when thinking of names and DH vetoed it, now he says he likes it)
-Cassandra (brought up over the weekend)
-Cameron (one of our top BOY names, may use it for a girl too but I don't love it for a girl)

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