South Florida Babies

Someone please explain...

Pull-Ups to me.  We are planning to embark on the potty training journey in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if I needed to buy Pull-Ups.  I know this will be a one-day-at-a-time type of experience, but as of right now I was just planning to switch her from diapers to panties cold turkey during her awake time. I'm planning to still put her in diapers during naptime and at night because she still has no bladder control while she's sleeping and wakes up with a soaked diaper after every nap and in the mornings. I think she's ready for potty training when she's awake and alert but I am not planning to stress having her stay dry all night until she's a little older.

So would there be any advantage to putting her in Pull-Ups instead of regular diapers during naps/nighttime? Is there any advantage to putting her in Pull-Ups instead of regular panties? Sorry if these are dumb questions, I'm just really clueless and not seeing the point of the Pull-Ups right now lol...but I figure they must serve some purpose since they keep making them and people keep buying them ;)

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