Babies: 0 - 3 Months

SAHM's please come in....

Hi ladies, (Also posted on SAHM board)

I'm not a SAHM yet, but possibly could be in the next few months. I know that ultimately the decision is mine and that of my family, but I'd like some input and advice....

Here's my question - right now I work 3 days a week out of the home in a VERY toxic work environment.  Regardless of what I decide to do, I will leave this job at some point in the next few months.  My decision will then become to decide whether to find another part time job or just stay home for a year or two.  DH's paycheck covers all of our bills but with no money to save.  If I stay at this job until May, we can get 2 big pills paid off in order to save approx. 400-500 a month.  (Groceries, retirement IRA etc are already added into monthly bills, but this number does not include any cuts we might make to cell phones, cable, etc).  That means things would be pretty tight, but do-able.  We also do not pay for daycare as family currently watches her.

Would you sacrafice not saving much money, going out to dinner, etc. to be home with baby or would you look for another part time job?  I feel torn about what to do as I don't want to screw myself career wise in the long term, but then again, work will always be there and she's only this little once.  I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons.  Can you ladies give me some advice?  Maybe some of you have been/are in a similar situation.


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