Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Scary biker, pro NIP who knew!

  We go grocery shopping twice a month, with a active 2 year old, and 11 week old, it can be rough and have fast food that day. My fiance and I were sitting at Taco bell (his fav place to eat) in the back booth, with me facing away from everyone. The lo starts fussing up a storm, even though I had nursed her for over a hour before we left. I get out my blanket, and discreetly start nursing while longingly looking at my food. Two booths down is a older lady, who is mortified I would dare nurse in public and starts making rude comments to her daughter about taking my lo to the bathroom, and being decent, folks should stay covered. Before I can say anything, this tough, leather and tattoo biker leans over and tells her "I don't know about you but I don't eat were people ***, and I don't think she should have to ether, and I would rather eat in peace then a screaming baby so let that poor girl feed that baby" I did not hear another peep out of her, and she left very fast after. I have never had any rude comments about nip, I am always discreet, but I was not expecting to have a scary biker take up for NiP.
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