Single Parents

What's the worst that can happen...

if I withhold a visitation based on our court order?  I mean, what are the possible repercussions of being in contempt of the order?

I've never been ok with our court order that has been in place since May of 2011.  My son just turned 4 in Dec. (Does that already tell you anything about how much his dad wants to see him?)  When X and I were together things were BAD.  He was verbally abusive, he drank too much and when he was drinking, was often physically violent.  All of the things he said/did were shown to my lawyer and basically thrown out because his actions were against me, not our son, who was 6 months when I left him.  I mean really??? Who is going to hurt a 6 month old child when his mother is constantly around to protect him and thereby take the brunt of the aggresion?

Anyway, he got his visitation which is EOW and Tuesday night 6-9.  The only reason I was slightly ok with this was because his live in (pregnant) gf or his mom (son's grandma) were always around.  He doesn't have a license because of multiple DUI's so she or the g-ma always does pickups.  They were all living in the same house and as of June last year the new baby as well. The grandma works swing shift so she's not always home but is great to my son when she has him.  He's excited to go when she does pickups but complains and whines when his dad and gf do pickups.

As of this weekend, the girlfriend left.  She is done, moved out.  A mutual aquaintance told me that he had been talking with an ex-gf and texting a 15yr old girl who was friends with his gf's yonger cousin.  ( He's 24!!!) And neglecting to take any responsibility and only caring about himself.  The aquaintance also told me that she doesn't think my son should be there alone with him because he has been drinking relentlessly lately.  I also saw on the gf's BFF's twitter that she was helping her move out Sat. with a sidenote that she may just "catch an assault charge while there". So I'm thinking it may be worse than I know.

The reason I'm wondering what to do is because I'm going to need a new attorney (apparently mine is no help), and I know that things won't be sorted out for awhile.  So when some random stranger comes to pick my son up with his dad because g-ma is working, is it ok to say no?  And this weekend when it comes time for him to go and the g-ma may be working swing shift and not there all weekend, is it ok to deny him visitation? 

Also just a sidenote...he hasn't paid CS since last July and gave a random wrong address for his residence so they haven't known where to find him until recently when I showed them our custody document that stated his current address with his mother.  This is included to let you know what a low life he is.  Who cares only about avoiding the system and getting away with anything he can.

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