Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Frozen BM stash, giving to daycare..Questions...

I have frozen milk dating back to 12/20, and have been giving DC the oldest milk first.  I'm estimating that I have around 50 oz in the freezer right now, and I continue to pump about 10-14 oz per day to replenish my stock.

DS has only been in DC for 1 week so far, and has been eating on average 13 oz with them, PLUS I nurse him on my lunchbreak, so I'm estimating that I would need about 16 oz per day for DC alone.

I'm wondering if there are scenarios where I should give them some of the fresh milk I pumped the day before, INSTEAD of putting it in the freezer to replenish the stock?  That way I could let them feed him half frozen, half fresh throughout the day?  For example DH has had a head cold for the past 3 days and I thought that maybe it would be better to give DC the fresh BM since it may have more antibodies to help fight that current virus/cold that might be going around our household (I haven't come down with it yet, hopefully wont). 

I'm also wondering if I should just keep the frozen for home, like if I want to have a drink and DH will give DS a bottle, or if I'm out doing errands and DH will feed him while I'm gone...

How do you ladies do it? Do you just do "oldest in, oldest out" in terms of the BM or do you always pump fresh milk for DC?  TIA!

~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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