Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Time to change formula again?

We switched LO to Soy when she was about 3 weeks old. She was always spitting up and had hard poops. And was constantly gassy.

Not too much improvement, and its over a month later. She doesnt spit up close the amount she did. But her bowels are sooo hard and ball shaped and she turns red and really has to push and I feel so bad for her :(

I had asked my Pedi and he pretty much said formula is harder to digest....

I still feel like this is not the way her bowels should look and she shouldnt be struggling like she is. But i am  FTM and dont really know. I tried adding extra water to soften thing up and Karo Syrup and colic calm and gas drops and gripe water for tummy issues and poor girl gets no relief.

She was great when I was BFing. I couldnt keep up with her so I stopped. Maybe we shouldnt had switched to soy so soon and regular would had been okay?

What have you mommies found works best, and when did you know to switch formulas?

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