2nd Trimester

Update on a/s...

Well, baby was SO active that we were not able to tell the gender :( but at least everything looked alright! (as far as WE could tell, lol)

 At first the tech said "definitely boy..I'm 80% sure." I could see the boy bits, so could DH...but then she started on about the 3 lines and how she just could see both and then baby was moving around like crazy and we couldn't see the boy bits again and she was starting to think it was the foot that was in the way making it look like boy bits...then it was sitting indian style so she just couldn't give us a definitive answer.

I'm also pretty disappointed that she didn't take potty shots while we were trying to determine it...

We were the last appointment of the day and I had the sneaking suspicion that she just wanted to go home.

We probably will have to do another a/s because she said she couldn't get all the shots she needed of the heart and kidneys and whatnot because this was "the most active baby she's ever seen..."

LOL. Already got my personality, I see. Giving us trouble within the womb. Haha.. But here's a pic of the little critter:


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