2nd Trimester

Synthroid takers...increased dose?

I have been hypothyroid for about 6 years...and synthroid hs always worked pretty well for me.  I went from 115mcg to 125mcg while i was pregnant with DS 4 years ago, then i stayed at that level until this past summer.

i knew something was up in July, tired, gained 5 pounds, hair falling out and very dry skin. I went to my endo and sure enough, tsh was up so she moved me to the 137.

Then i get pregnant in october and my tsh is slowly going up, first they told me to take one extra pill a week, now i take 2 extra a week.  BTW...i take them every morning at 5am and dont eat or over an hour, plus i dont take my multi viatmin until the afternoon.

I noticed that i have been extremely crabby and moody since taking those exra pills.  at first i thought it was due to being pregnant, as we all know that contributes a bit.  But then i had a long conversation with another patient in the waiting room that told me that when they upped her meds she started being extremely irritable.

Has anyone gone through this and noticed something similar?  i dont have any of the symptoms of being hyper, so i dont think the dose is too high, but it might be?

i feel like i wanna bite everyones head off 24/7 :( 

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