Babies: 0 - 3 Months

3rd shift mommies?

I work now during the day but have the option to choose my hours. My mom is watching her during the day now, but I would like to be home with her as well. My mom cant get up and down the steps and I would like for her to start napping in her crib to get used to it. She also starts EI at the end of the month and would like to be around to work with her and not constantly be taking off work for her appointments.

 Is there any moms that work third shift? What are your likes and dislikes and do you prefer it?

 My mom could still come over ( until she starts working again ) to watch her while I sleep. Thats the only thing I can think of maybe being a problem is when she is up all day long. Also that I have to wake DH up get her at night because he doesnt hear her until she starts really crying. I hear the pre-hungry grunts and am up right away 

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