Single Parents

Misc. Legal Questions (Long)

I'm organizing my binders of logs and documentation and have some questions for you pro's. 

--We have joint legal custody, which includes agreeing on religious upbringing.  What does this mean?  We should agree on things such as bringing DS up Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, but does it mean he gets a say in which denomination (Methodist, Luthern, etc.) of the Christian faith or which church I elect to attend with DS?

--Another legal custody item - I have informed him twice about some options for medical treatment for DS (via email), asking for his feedbak.  He never responds or provides input.  If he fails to respond when asked, do I simply decide without his agreement?

-Last legal custody item - if he or I violates any of legal custody terms of the CO, I know we can go back to court, but what would the implications of that be?  Many of these things are things that you can't reverse once they're done, such as medical treatments or baptism, so what would the court do?  Seems like there would be less action than visitation or CS type issues.

--XH does not have a driver's license and won't until 2016, but has a restricted license (aka - work permit).  I assume he has SR-22 insurance but won't provide it to me as he's supposed to.  Does the insurance on his vehicle only apply if he's driving to/from "work"?  What if someone else is driving his vehicle? I'm worried he's not only driving with DS during visits, but driving a vehicle that's not properly insured.

--if XH is "self employed" does he have to file that as his employer with the CS agency and the court, or is he in compliance by not having an employer on record in this situation?

--How much emotion do you put in your logs?  Do you state only facts or do you log feelings such as fear of X, explain things that X says/does that don't add up without further clarification, or why something is inappropriate with their care of LO?

Contact my lawyer...I know the drill.  But what are your experiences with these things?

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