Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Hi there, I'm new to this board as DH and I just had our first child (a boy) on 12/23. I know that he is only 16 days old, but I was wondering if anyone had any advice/suggestions for me on an issue I'm having. DS currently spends a majority of time sleeping which is normal I know (of course not a lot a night), but when he is awake - which is becoming more frequent the older he gets,  he seems to be fussy/unhappy for the entire time he's awake. I've tried talking to him, singing, reading, walking, changing him, feeding him if it's time, holding him so that he can see me face, etc. and nothing seems to work. He's not screaming so I don't think that it's colic or anything like that - but I can't seem to get him into that quiet alert state very often. Does anyone have any advice/suggestions for me? I want to be able to start looking forward to his awake periods - not dreading them. TIA :-)
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