2nd Trimester

What i did NOT know about labor/delivery

Im 12 weeks with my second child. My first one was ten years ago. I was 22 then and after finding out we were expecting my childs father was very happy but turned into a complete jerk. So that was a rough time for sure. I didnt  go to lamaze classes since he wouldnt go with me, so there was alot in delivery that i didnt know what to expect, not sure if it was covered in those birthing classes.

First when my water broke I expected it to be a big gush and be done. That wasnt the case i felt like a pop and then had a steady drip all the way to the hospital.) (I walked into hopsital with towel in between my legs  I also thought when your water broke the baby was coming soon. My son didnt present himself for another 8 hours.

 I had an epideral and while it helped a ton with the pain, there was alot of pressure. What i didnt expect was after my son was born we had a room full of drs and visitors right away. They had extra dr's because my son didnt respond to certian testing so they wanted to test him for muscle problems. Well I had to go to the bathroom and as soon as the nurse got me up, liquid, pee, blood leaked all over the floor, I had no control over my bladder, and while still drugged I was kind of embarrassed.

I had no idea what my vaj jay jay would look like afterwards, It was swollen the size of a baseball, and becuase of the stitches hurt to pee for at least a week.

 Sorry I dont want to scare anyone but i felt there was so much i didnt know. I dont think my husband and I will take the classes this time, but I think they would have preparaed me better the first time for things I didnt know or even thought about.  Any one else have things they didnt expect?

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