2nd Trimester

I feel like a horrible mom to be...

To this point in my pregnancy I have had several dreams I was having a girl and strongly felt it was going to be a girl. Last night I had a dream I was at my 20 week ultrasound and found out it was a boy. I was so mad that it was a boy and started thinking I didnt want him anymore. I do really want a girl because this will be our last child and I already have a DS but I know deep down if this baby is a boy I will be very HAPPY.
Married since June 2007 ~ TTC June 2007 BFP #1 8/24/07 ~ M/C 10/31/07 Emergency D/C (8w) BFP #2 5/22/09 ~ DS born 1/30/10 BFP #3 8/22/11 ~ EDD 6/2/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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