2nd Trimester

"When you see our kids licking the walls you'll thank me" (a little long)

So, DH and I just rented our first home together yesterday. I'm super excited because a) we're moving back to my hometown b) I can start going back to the church I love c) we're going to be close to my mom who I have missed more than I can even express since I moved away 7 years ago and d) this is our first actual home together (not an apartment). 

Anyway, loooong story short, the house is owned by a good friend of mine who I have known for about 13 years. It's an older home, but it's thankfully recently remodeled. The only people who have lived there since the remodel are our pastor's son and his wife. What I'm trying to get at here is that the house is not icky. Whoever they hire to do their cleaning is excellent at their job. There wasn't even a speck of dust on top of the fridge when I ran my finger along the top.

Yesterday we were over there doing a little cleaning anyway because we're both sort of sticklers for clean, especially after living in our first slummy apartment that was too icky for words. We just wanted to mop the floors, clean out the cabinets with bleach, lay shelf paper, etc., When I went into the bedroom that is to be our nursery to check on my husband he was using the sponge mop to MOP THE WALLS.  I was like "WTF are you doing!?" All he said to me was, "When you see our kids licking the walls you'll thank me."

Tongue Tied   I almost died on the spot. He was SO serious when he said it.

Apparently I'm giving birth to a couple of wall lickers....???  Haha!!  

I just have to say that I super duper love my husband.  That is all.  :)

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