Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sudden sleep episodes?

FTM here and unsure of anything that is supposed to happen or what's normal for LOs...

DS will be 7 weeks on Monday and had been pretty regular with his naps and sleep schedule at night. Randomly today, though, he slept practically ALL day. Here's how the night/day went:

Fell asleep for night at 7:00pm. Woke up to eat at 11:30pm, back to sleep by 12ish. Woke up at 2:30am for diaper change, went right back to sleep. Up at 4:30am to eat, went right back to sleep. Up at 7:15am to eat. (Normally he would stay up for the day at this point until about 7 or 8 pm, with a few 20 minute naps in between...) Fell asleep around 8am and slept until 1pm!!! Diaper changed, ate normally, then fell asleep an hour later for almost 3 more hours!! He only stayed up for a few hours in the early evening, but then fell asleep for the night again around 8:30pm tonight.

 Any of this seem normal? Like I said, he's usually up around 7am for the day with a few short naps in between. I am a bit scared he won't sleep much during the night now... 


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