Babies: 0 - 3 Months

should i be freaking out like I am

I have been real lucky when it comes to my daughter spitting up.  She really have never spit up at all.  Tonight after drinking a bottle she was burping and all of a sudden she spit up about half of the bottle that she drank.  She doesn't have a fever (98.8 rectal), we haven't changed anything.  I pretty much go by her for when she wants to eat but I think she may have had a bottle about 2 hours ago.  She drank about 3 oz then and about 4 oz this time.  I am thinking that she may have ate to much but then I thought babies don't overeat.  I am a first time mom and I don't want to call my pedi on call for something that is not an emergency.  After I took her temp she was smiling at me so she is not hurting.  What does everyone think?  Am I overreacting?
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