Babies: 0 - 3 Months

DS still up every 2 hours, any advice?

I'm a FTM so I'm just curious on any opinions. I am EP so all LO gets is breast milk. He eats between 2-3 ounces every 2 hours. He is gaining weight beautifully (1lb in 2 weeks!) BUT my problem is he still eats every 2 hours at night, sometimes 2 1/2 if I'm lucky. After feeding him, getting him back to bed, pumping and making bottles, I'm lucky to get an hour of sleep at a time. The other night I got him to eat 3oz right before bed but he still got up 2 hours later. Any advice on how I can get him to sleep longer, or is anyone else's LO still doing the same thing? ( he is 9 weeks by the way) Im just not sure if there's something I can do or if that's just going to be how he is. He has slept for 4-5 probably 5 or 6 times since hes been born so I know he can do it, he just don't lol
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