2nd Trimester

Mini Rant ~Husband/Job related (of course)

My husband works in an industry (prof. car racing) where the sloriest of SLORES run amok... I hate it!

On top of the fact, because this industry requires TONS of travel, he may not be here when the baby comes & he basically told me to expect that. I'm biting my tongue to a point I wanna slap the crap out of him... When I met him, he was working in a different tier of racing, called HSR that was less demanding & he swore up & down he'd never go professional, wasn't in his interest... Then due to unforeseen circumstance, the economy crashed & HSR (historic sports racing) is less in demand than when we met. So inevitably, this past year ~ he went into professional racing which put a HUGE weight on our relationship & required him to basically live in a different city on TOP of traveling, finally just recently we moved to the area where he's now actually working & his boss has him stressed out ALL the time. So basically it's like living in his JOB 24/7 & there's no US time, on top of being pregnant. There are times, like now, I just want to leave because this is not the type of person I wanted to marry & i feel like he betrayed my trust & should've have had family first in mind & just go work at a Dealership instead of staying in this ridiculous industry. Racing's cool on TV & all but the stress it puts on families, the lack of support there is I just really hate this industry ~ it's all about the ego/money & they do not care how much it tears ppls lives apart. On top of the fact hoochies run around in basically hooter clothing, it's such a sexist sport & some days I just wanna protest the whole thing! Marriage is not a strong suit for any of the men in the industry, half of them never have been married while 55% have been divorced~countless times for cheating~etc & the small 5% are actually happily married. But they have family support or able to be at every event w/ their husbands. Which is another factor, we don't have ANY family support, never have & the fact he didn't consider that, especially w/ me being pregnant before making this choice, really says a alot about his priorities now. We've been together 6 years & this year has been the hardest, for me. I think he's clueless & when I try to talk to him, his response is 'get a hobby'...

I just feel excluded, like he has a whole separate life & I'm just an obligation sometimes.

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