2nd Trimester

Changing Drs.

I'm just not sure how comfortable I am with my Dr. anymore.

When I went in for my first appt he said "It looks like you are about 6weeks along."

Got my ultrasound done the next day and was 10weeks+3days. Small difference.

I should have done an NT at 14weeks, well because he had me at 6weeks and the us showed 10+weeks, there was an overlap and it wasn't done. I also didn't get my first round of blood draws for the genetic testing because I didn't see him again until 14weeks3days. I called to find out if this difference in weeks will affect anything and never heard back.

First appt he said he doesn't want me running and to be sure to gain adequate weight.  (I was underweight when I first started going to him and have always had irregular cycles) He has always told me that I will not conceive while training or running and that when I get pregnant I shouldn't keep up my running.

Then came back 4weeks later, 4lbs up and he jumped on me for gaining too much too quick. Told me to run more and eat less... I said "So I'm ok to run" He said  "Of course, run as much as you want, just stay hydrated and keep my heart rate below 140."

So I'm really questioning this guy now. There is another Dr. in town who is supposed to be great. Does anybody have any experience in changing Dr. offices at this point in pregnancy. It's not that I absolutely feel like I need to, I'm just not sure about how much he's really paying attention.

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