Babies: 0 - 3 Months

3 month old still eating every 2 hours? Is this normal?

I keep reading about a three month growth spurt, so maybe this is what's happening.  I feel like she had been able to stretch her feedings out to every three hours and had been sleeping 4-5 hours for her long stretch just a little while ago.  Now, we're back to eating every two hours, even at night- and she's RAVENOUS!  The only reason it's concerning me (other than the fact that my nips are sore) is that I went back to work this week.  I didn't have a good freezer stash built up and now we've blown through what I did have.  I can't pump fast enough to keep up!  I'm pumping every two hours at work and all I'm able to do is replace what she ate that day.  

I thought I could squeeze in an extra pump on the weekends during morning nap and after she went to bed to catch up.  Unfortunately, as I type this she's woken up and doesn't look like she's going back to sleep any time soon.  Which is a bummer, because I should be pumping NOW, but now I'm afraid she's going to want to eat any minute.  

Is this going to slow down any time soon?  I am really beginning to hate my pump (plus I can barely get anything done at work when I'm pumping every 2 hours).  Is there light at the end of the tunnel? 

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