2nd Trimester

My Pregnancy Pillow Review

Hello there,

I know when I was first starting to sleep poorly- I wanted to know if these pregnancy pillows actually worked. Well here is what I have discovered in case it helps someone else decide.

First, I started out with a body pillow from target ($10 for the pillow $10 for a cover) and that didn't work at all for me. I know some people say it works but for me the pillow was way too big and overstuffed so that when I would lay on my side and put my top leg on it for support it felt like my leg was way up in the air and it hurt my back.

Next, I snagged one of my decorative pillows from my couch and put that between my knees to sleep at night. This worked better than the gigantic body pillow from target except every time I would go to switch to my other side at night I have to take the pillow with me, which takes the covers with it and generally makes a big tangled mess that I have to fix before I could go back to sleep. Since I would want to switch sides many times throughout the night, I would end up waking up 5 - 6x per night. Bummer. But better than the sore back I had with no pillow at all.

Finally, I decided to bite the bullet and get this pillow from Leachco. I have only had it two nights but really it has made a world of difference. Now when I wake up to switch sides I just barely wake up to get situated and I'm back asleep. No more needing to worry about bringing the pillow with me and possibly knocking the glass of water off my nightstand in my sleep induced delirious state. Keep in mind this thing is big but I do have a full size bed and it works. My husband even said he likes it a bit better than the decorative pillow from the couch because the shape of it is better and it's more malleable so he doesn't "notice" it as much. It would work better in a queen or a king though.

Those are my findings. I haven't ever tried the boppy or snoogle so I can't comment on those but I think I would have the same problem as the decorative pillow.

BabyFruit Ticker
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