Babies: 0 - 3 Months

baby breathing

So, to make a long story short my daughter was in the NICU for 2 weeks with a rare skin condition- missing layers of skin on parts of her trunk. She is home now and healing beautifully.

 But we noticed her breathing has always been very fast and talked to pedi about it yesterday. He said it is abnormal and we are going to see a pediatric pulmonologist Tuesday. It could just be her body adjusting or could be an underlying issue that would need surgery. The good news is her oxygen levels are perfect- she just is working harder to get the same air (at her slowest her breathing is 60 breaths a minute and prob goes to 80+ the other times).

I have gone through so many sleepless nights already since she was born with her skin and worrying if she was going to be ok and now this.

 Anyone else experienced fast breathing? (this is my 2nd and my first wasnt like this).


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