Upstate NY Babies

Boy names

Even though we're team green, we all know this is probably going to be another boy. And of course I hate coming up with boy names, So what would you suggest to go with Charles Parker & Paul Michael? (both are family names, but I'm really running out of males I like in either of our families) My sister's name is Andrea so I thought maybe Andrew, but DH vetoed it. We may use Nicholas as a middle name (DH's first name). Some other names in the family are Gary, Neal, Frank, Millard (yeah no), John/Johnathan is on the no list even though I love it.DH's Italian family is no help because they just use the same names over & over. No names that start with a "B" because our last name starts with B & I think it would sound funny. Why is this so difficult??
Charlie 11.01.07 ~ Paul 05.07.10 ~ Annaliese 02.24.12
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