Babies: 0 - 3 Months

newborn cough, please help.

Okay so my son will be 11 weeks tomorrow.  Tuesday evening when I got off work he started with a dry cough, I asked my mom if he'd been doing it all day (she watches him while we work) and she said no.  Wednesday was one of my days off, we went out to do shopping, had his gift card & needed diapers return christmas gifts yadda yadda. Still acting perfectly fine, just slept all day...which he does when He still had a dry cough and his eyes were a little pinkish.  Thursday we wake up and had planned to do his pictures and he still had the cough. So I called his doctors to see what to do they said because he is so young to bring him in. So as a first time mom I freak out but take him in. Well we found out in a week he gained 14oz so he's been doing pretty good we would She checked his lungs, nose, ears, eyes and what not said everything looked good. Just that he was getting a cold and at this young and early not much you could do but to keep the humidifier on (which we have done every night since he's been home) and use the little noses saline drops. So we did that last night. Today he woke up at 4am. Just fussy, stuffy and sounded a little congested and of course if he coughed he woke up, could not take the Paci really because his nose sounded stuffy. He acted ok, still ate and so I went to work. Got off early around 3 and a little after I got home he was still coughing but still smiley baby for mommy. He started this deep cough like he was gagging or something after he would cough a few times.  So I was just keeping an eye on it. He has still been eating 4 oz every 3 hours. He didn't nap except when I got home for a little and laid on me and napped some. So about a little after 8 I called his doctors to see if I could do anything for the cough.They take my message and a nurse calls me back asks a bunch of questions and says he sounds ok that she wanted to call his doctor and tell her the info and have them call me. So he calls me back (we have seen the same guy every time except thursday) he tells me that if he is coughing like that, that it has gotten worse to bring him in. Then says well what time is it (9:00pm) well the urgent care is closed so take him to Eagleston or Scottish Right. I repeated that questioning and he says yes. So I get off the phone & text my mom, even asked my dad if I was crazy for thinking that was jumping too serious too quick. (which btw under his arms his fever is 99.0 on one, the other 98.7 & I know you round up) But he doesn't feel hot or really too warm. So I call my Grandma she says to wait to see if his fever goes up too 100 under the arm making it a 101 fever then to take him in and that she thinks they are just trying to save their butts. Soooooo basically I wanted some other mommy opinions. These first 2 months have been hard on him & I both. :( Plus his Daddy is at work for another few hours and I think he takes baby being sick and getting shots worse than baby & mommy. lol Sorry it was a novel for you guys to read but thanks for those of you that did!!! :)

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