2nd Trimester

Excited for the 2nd tri but still wary...

I'm officially 12 weeks today. But I'm not going to take a sigh of relief until I have my OB apt on Monday. At my last apt, which was about 4 weeks ago, my OB casually mentioned that I have a bicornuate uterus. When I asked him how that would effect this pregnancy and my fertility he said it's nothing to be concerned about and told me that I was a low risk of m/c.

Of course, I had to look it up. And of course, I learned about all sorts of complications including loss in the 2nd tri due to inadequate blood supply. From what I've read, the risk is only present if the fetus is implanted in a particular part of my wonky uterus. I'm looking forward to an opportunity to see a new u/s and varify with my OB that the baby is, in fact, in a good place. I suspect he already knew that since he told me it wasn't a big deal. But I want to know specifically.

It will be great to finally feel like I can tell everyone about the pg.

One husband, two cats, one dog, and now a brand new baby! Life is about to get really exciting.
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