2nd Trimester

Placenta Previa Update

I told someone on this board that I would update them on my placenta previa on Friday.

At 15 weeks or so I was told I my placenta was on my cervix. So this past week I went in for my US at about 20 weeks. The appointment went well. We have a beautiful healthy baby boy on the way!

However, my placenta still has not moved. Bummer. But I still have time for it to move is what the doctor at US place said. I have no bleeding or cramping. So that is good.

To whomever it was that asked me to post an update that also has placenta previa, this does not mean that your placenta will not move. From what I gather, a lot of them do by the 3rd trimester. Also I had had a surgery about a year prior to getting pregnant to remove a Polyp from my uterus which is probably what I have the placenta previa now.

At any rate, it does suck it has not moved, but freaking out about it isn't going to do anything but add more anxiety. So I'm going to just focus on the fact I am carrying a very active health baby boy and how blessed I am for that. My placenta may move, or it may not. I am going to just listen to my body and take it one day at a time. I will find out more info early next week when I see my OB to see what she says.

So there you have it. Hope everyone has a great weekend and feels as many fluttering kicks as I do!
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