Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Intro and (Maybe TMI) Question

Hello to all, I am glad to be joining you ladies after spending the last two months on the high-risk pregnancy board (I was on bed rest for PTL). My son was born on 12/16 and is 3 weeks old today. So, sorry to jump right in with a question like this, but I was wondering how long it took most of you (especially FTM's) to basically feel normal "down there." I had a vaginal delivery with a 2nd degree tear, so I was obviously expecting swelling and soreness. But it's now 3 weeks later and while I feel normal just sitting around, it seems like any time I do anything physically active (shopping for a few hours, walking on the treadmill, etc.), the soreness returns. I am really disappointed because after being on bed rest for so long, I was really looking forward to being able to work out again. Is this totally normal? Should I just power through it as long as I am sticking to low impact activities (walking and yoga) or take it easy? Or should this have cleared up by now? TIA!
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