Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Unexplained rash on LO's face--PHOTO attached. DC? BM?

LO started DC this past Tuesday, and I have nursed him during my lunchbreaks. every day this week.  The rest of the day he gets frozen BM.  When I picked him up Tues. evening the staff pointed out that his cheeks and chin had become a little reddened.  When I looked at it, it almost looked like a handprint from where you would hold him to burp him, kind of like a smiley face pattern.  (See photo below, sorry not the greatest pic!)

This has never happened before, but with me going back to work I have done a few new things that weren't part of my pattern before (I have used a new lotion, eaten almonds, had fish and used my perfume, all since discontinued once this rash came about) that could've been the problem.

At first, we all thought it might be from the detergent they use, since he had alot of tummy time.  We decided that the next day they would place our own blankets (washed in Dreft) down for him and they would always put one of his own blankets between him and a daycare worker to make sure it wasnt some kind of irritant from one of them (neither daycare worker wears perfume or lotion as they are with babies all day).  Still the rash came back, this time about 1 hour AFTER I nursed him.  It was around his face ,spread to his head and down to his body.  Raised, bumpy bright red patches and little bumps that also seem dry and a little scaly. The next day--same thing, it happened almost immediately after I nursed him--they called me 10 minutes later to tell me that his face was bright red again!

Every suggestion about what it could be has been made:  detergent, lotion (on me, which I've discontinued now for 3 days), perfume (on me, which I've discontinued for 3 days), something I've eaten this week and is in the BM, the cold weather, or eczema.  I sent photos of him to our pedi and she thought it was "heat rash" from being up close to me, but why would this coincidentally happen the same week he goes to DC for the first time?  And not other times I've nursed him in the past 2 months!?

For now, we're treating it like eczema and per the pedi's recommendation putting Aquaphor on it a few times a day and it seems to help a little.  I will be really curious to see what happens this weekend when he's not at DC and is home with me, nursing as usual.  The weather is also supposed to get warmer.  

He has been fine otherwise, no shortness of breath, fever or fussiness and has been happy and eating and sleeping well all week so I'm not overly worried, just want to know what's causing it! Has anyone had anything similar to this?  It's a mystery so far...


~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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