Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2 questions: gas? and anxiety?

1. DS appears to be very gassy. He eats anywhere from 2-7oz and has to be burped every oz. And yet when you lay him down after eating, after a few mins he arches his back and gets red in the face and starts to cry and squirm. He settles when I pick him up and pat his back. We use Similac Advance and gripe water but it doesn't help much. I think he needs to learn to fart, honestly. Any thoughts to make it less painful until he learns this?

2. During the day, he eats 2-4oz about every 3-4hrs. At night he eats 4-7oz every 2.5-3hrs. At his last feeding before bed, it usually starts between 7 and 8pm and lasts for at least 2hrs. He will eat 4oz first, then sleep 20mins, then wake up and act ravenous and eat another oz. Then sleep again then wake up and eat another oz. Finally, when we think he's done we lay him down in his snuggle nest on the floor beside our bed. Then he wakes right up and acts ravenous and won't settle down until he eats a little more. He passes out and we put him back down and he does it again! If we lay him on the bed he passes out and doesn't stir. Could he be having anxiety about not being close to us? Can he really sense it that young? I don't mind him laying on the bed-but I don't want it to develop a habit and have him grow up to be a toddler sleeping in our bed. I also think that he might simply be cold and like the warmth of our bed. So we have been sitting on his blanket while we feed him to warm it up before we lay him down in it. And it doesn't seem to help much. Any advice?

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