Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Tip from second time Mom re: where baby sleeps

I see a ton of posts on this board about where 0-3 months baby sleeps, what is ok, what is not, it seems there is a lot of anxiety about it, and I just wanted to throw my second-time Mom two cents in!

Don't worry about it so much!!! I found with DD, and now with DS, the first three months are pretty much about survival. You need sleep. Your baby needs sleep. Get it how you can, as long as it is SAFE! (I am not a proponent of co-sleeping with the baby in the bed, but that is another issue, and if you do that, that is your decision).

If your baby naps in the swing, that is ok. If your baby naps in your arms, that is ok. If your baby naps in his bouncy seat in the bathroom with the fan on, that is ok. If the baby naps in his carseat, that is ok. My pediatrician let her baby sleep all night in his bouncy chair because he slept there for 8 hours straight, so she got her much-needed rest. My friend rested her baby in his Boppy and would hold the pacifier in his mouth until he fell asleep.

Do what you need to do, ladies. to get your sleep, and to get your baby their sleep. Don't worry about sleep training right now. Don't worry if they aren't sleeping in their crib yet. THEY WILL!!!!!!!!!! It all works itself out. I promise!

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