2nd Trimester

Guessing the sex at 13-14 weeks?

Hi ladies! This is my first post here on 2nd tri :) Just wondering if any of you had the ultrasound tech guess the sex of the baby this early on? We didn't do the 12 week u/s but I had a teeny bit of bleeding on Tuesday (at 13 weeks 5 days) so my doctor had me go to radiology at the hospital and have an u/s. Everything was good and the heartbeat was healthy (yay!) The tech mentioned when I asked that it's probably a girl since she can usually see boy parts at this point. How accurate is her guess at this point? Anyone have them guess this early and be wrong? I would be happy with a baby boy or girl but I am dying to know which! I wont buy anything until by 18 week u/s but just wanted to hear what your experiences were.
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