Single Parents

adoption....YaY Finally

I haven't posted on here in quite sometime, but I finally am getting closure on this.  My daughter now is 21 months.  Background.  I met him and two months later I became pregnant.  I saw him on and off through my entire pregnancy and once she was born we seen him once when she was 3 month old.  I never wanted anything from him -- child support, visitations, NOTHING.  I couldn't bear going through or putting her through the Court System and having someone dictate to us when he was allowed to see her and when I needed to let him see her. 

Fastforward 3 months I met a man in October when my daughter was just 6 months old.  He took her in as his own as well as his family.  We are now in the process of him adopting her.  We just started the process but the cessation of parental rights is coming up.....YES!!!! This by far has been the easiet process, when I thought it was never going to happen. 

The only part I made a rude comment about was that I had to get "consent of the natural father"  and my comment was why so the Courts could tell him what a loser he is......

My finance and I are expecting another child in July and have plans on getting married next month on Valentines day.

I wanted to share this with all of you who are going through the single parent situation.  Don't give up in whatever your intentions are with your child/ren.  It's a matter of time when things will get better for you and that rocky road you are on now will hopefully be a smooth ride.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker -- Anniversary --
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