Single Parents

seriously? what a dovche!

So i ran into loserdad @ my job (i work in a courthouse, he was there for an unrelated matter). Haven't heard from him since NYE when he asked what time he could stop by to see DD & I told him we were busy that day (but offered alternative times and he just said "don't worry about it then"). Anyway, I heard he was here before I actually saw him, so I was hoping to dodge him until our court date on monday. But I ran into him in the hall. He came up to me & gave me a hug. We exchanged small talk for a minute (I was waiting for him to ask about DD, he never did).

Instead, he then went into a small rant about how much he misses my BJ's & he misses me sleeping on his chest and that we should put our fighting to the side & just "have some fun". That we had good times & it was my family (my mom) IHO that caused the problems between us (furthest thing from the truth). I tried to gear the conversation toward DD by telling him that I was leaving work early to take her to the doctor's (hoping he'd catch on and start to talk about her). Nope, not even a "is she ok/can i come with?". Nothing.

I finally was able to walk away, but I'm still so floored. I wish there were some way to document that so that when we go to court I can say "hey judge, he doesnt care about her, he's doing this because I stopped sleeping with him. That's all this was ever about!"

I know I probably shouldn't have even entertained the conversation at all (or even the thoughts of possibly hooking back up) but I'm not going to lie...I do miss him at times. He's an asss, but we had some great chemistry.

I know that I've come a very long way since breaking up with him a year ago. I know that I have to be strong for my daughter & that this is all a part of his controlling/manipulative behavior. But it's still heartbreaking that it'll probably come down to a judge telling me when I'll be able to see my sweet baby girl & i know that he truly doesn't care about her, nor wants to be bothered with her.

Karma, can you please be on my side here. I've had my daughter's best interests at heart ever since I heard that first heartbeat. He's just using her like a chess piece and it's so not right!

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