Upstate NY Babies

Did anyone EP?

Can you tell me about your experience?  Schedule, the samantics of it (did you pump and feed the pumped milk?  Or did you have milk ready to go in the fridge/freezer and just keep replenishing?)

We're STILL having a hard time with Audrey and the bottle, but it seems like it's the weekends that are getting her off track.  Mondays and Tuesdays are pretty bad and then the rest of the week goes alright.  I'm considering trying to EP so that she just gets a bottle all of the time.  I'm worried about a few things:

1. I'll be glued to the pump all. the. time.  I already pump 4x/day (1 at 5:00am and 3x at work).  I nurse Audrey 2-3 times in the evening and 1-2 times overnight, and once before I take her to the babysitter.  Does that mean I would have to add 6 extra pumping sessions into my day?  And I feel like I'll lose a lot of freedom on the weekends if I have to worry about pumping all the time.

2. My supply will tank.  I'm doing pretty good right now, pumping about 20oz. in 4 sessions.  I have about 300oz. in the freezer right now but I know how quickly that can dwindle. 

Any words of advice or wisdom are appreciated!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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