Single Parents

Will this hurt me in the end?

I've yet to respond to the Ex's one attempt to contact me (via email) regarding the baby's future. This attempt was made after I landed in the hospital because of him and after he tried to bully me into getting an abortion. The last I knew was that he wanted an abortion or else he would take the baby away from me. 

Should respond? His one attempt was polite and completely different from how he treated me the last time I saw him. I've been told that I should have gotten a protective order. However, I didn't want him to have more of a reason to come after me and be more angry. This would have had to be reported to his job and lets just say that he's a prominent person in his field. It would have hurt him tremendously professionally.  

Will not responding hurt me in court? Will it look like I prevented him from being a part of the pregnancy? I let him know about the appointments (only because we would be in public and because I was afraid of what I just mentioned). He did not show up. His only contact with me was regarding child support, visitation and what I planned to do. Im nervous because I know he can afford the best lawyers out there. I've been told that he would never get full custody but I'm wondering if he might be able to get partial? I was also willing to tell him no to child support but I've come to realize that this will not make him leave me alone. Besides, day care near me is a whopping $2,400 per month! If it weren't for this crazy number I'd be able to do it alone. 

 I'm so confused and I feel as if I have his one attempt at contact looming over my head.  So far I've patiently sat on it until the pain, anger and drama subsided. 

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